Karber:Umut Akkoç/Antena fêlan



For regular intransitive verbs with the past stem -a, like: asaene "appear" (as-), musaene "learn" (mus-), varaene "rain" (var-), bermaene "cry" (berm-).

Example: ez bermenan, ez bıbermi, ez bermawan.

For regular intransitive verbs with the past stem -d, like: vêrdene "pass" (vêr-), merdene "die" (mer-).

Example: ez vêrenan, ez bıvêri, ez vêrdan.

For irregular intransitive verbs with the past stem -d they get in the past time "A" and in the present time "E", like: mendene (man-) "remain".

Example: ez manenan, ez bımani, ez mendan. In the table realized with "m-".

-iya, -niya


For regular intransitive verbs with the past stem -i-ya or -n-i-ya, like: veciyaene "go out" (veci-), aferniyaene "be created" (aferni-), fıkıriyaene "think" (fıkıri-), pewciyaene "be cooked" (pewci-).

Example: ez cıwiyenan, ez bıcıwi, ez cıwiyawan.

For intransitive verbs with the past stem -t, like: kewtene (kew-) "fall".

Example: ez kewnan, ez bıkewi, ez kewtan.

For intransitive verbs with the past stem -t they have in the past time -ş and in the present time -s, like: reştene (res-) "enreach".

Example: ez resenan, ez bıresi, ez reştan. Twisted with "re-".

For intransitive verbs with the past stem -t they have in the past time -ş and in the present time -z, like: veştene (vez-) "run".

Example: ez vezenan, ez bıvezi, ez veştan. Twisted with "ve-".

For the special intransitive verb biyene "be" with the stem -b.

Example: ez benan, ez bıbi, ez biyan.



For the special intransitive verb şiyene "go", realized with the stem ş-.

Example: ez şonan, ez şori, ez şiyan.



-a, -na


For regular transitive verbs with the past stem -a or -n-a like: zanaene "know" (zan-), şaene "can" (ş-), bırrnaene "cut" (bırrn-), xerepnaene (xerepn-) "disrupt".

Example: ez zanenan, ez bızani, mı zana

For regular transitive verbs with the past stem -d like: amardene "count" (amar-), kendene "dig" (ken-), esterdene "wipe" (ester-).

Example: ez amarenan, ez bıamari, mı amard.

For irregular transitive verbs with the past stem -d they get in the past time "A" and in the present time "E", like: wendene (wan-) "read".

Example: ez wanenan, ez bıwani, mı wend. In the table realized with the shorted stem w-.

For irregular transitive verbs with the past stem -d they lose -r in the present indicative, like: kerdene "do" (ke-), berdene "bring, carry" (be-), ardene "take there" (a-), werdene (we-).

Example: ez kenan, ez bıkeri, mı kerd.

For regular transitive verbs with the past stem -ıt like: ancıtene "pull, drag" (anc-), kûwıtene "hew" (kûw-), şımıtene "drink" (şım-), vawıtene (vaw-) "fumble".

Example: ez kûwenan, ez bıkûwi, mı kûwıt.

For transitive verbs with the past stem -ıt they have in the present a causative building like: şıkıtene (şıkn-) "break", terkıtene (terkn-) "leave".

Example: ez şıknenan, ez bışıkni, mı şıkıt.

For transitive verbs with the past stem -t they get in the present time -c, like: antene (anc-) "pull, drag", pewtene (pewc-) "cook", sentene (senc-) "weigh".

Example: ez ancenan, ez bıanci, mı ant. Twisted with: an-, pew-, sen-.

For irregular transitive verbs with the past stem -t like: gırewtene (gên-) "take".

Example: ez gênan, ez bıgêri, mı gırewt. Twisted with "g-".

For irregular transitive verbs with the past stem -t they get in the present time -c, like: vatene (vac-).

Example: ez vanan, ez vaci, mı vat. In the table twisted with "va-".

For irregular transitive verbs with the past stem -t they get in the past time -ş and in the present time -z, like: waştene (waz-) "want", vıraştene (vıraz-) "make, build".

Example: ez wazenan, ez ez bıwazi, mı waşt. In the table twisted with "wa-" and "vıra-".

For irregular transitive verbs with the past stem -t they get in the past time -ş and in the present time -s, like: nuştene (nus-) "write".

Example: ez nusenan, ez bınusi, mı nuşt. In the table twisted with "nu-".

For regular transitive verbs with the past stem -t: rıştene (rış-) "send", kırıştene (kırış-) "drag".

Example: ez rışenan, ez bırışi, mı rışt.

For the special verb "daene" that has not a past stem and gets in the conjunctive d-, in the indicative da-.

Example: ez danan, ez bıdi, mı da. In the table twisted with "d-".